BK Writing Lab

Paul DiGeorgio, Ph.D.


The Principle of Charitability, also known as the Principle of Charity, requires us to do our best to understand ideas or an argument before we attempt a critique or refutation. In other words, if we are going to challenge the work of someone else, it is important that we present that work in its best possible light, as reasonable and rational as possible.

Since academic discourse is concerned with the pursuit of the truth and not simply emerging from a contest victorious, the Principle of Charitability helps us ensure that we have the right motivations when we engage in an academic disagreement.

Lastly, consider how it is much more significant to disagree with a strong, reasonable argument than it is to disagree with a poor one. Sometimes students distort an argument and weaken it, effectively rendering the work of the other ridiculous, and therefore easily refutable. Think about how much is really accomplished when this happens…not a lot. You can see that employing the Principle of Charity makes your own work more difficult, but if you are able to challenge the strongest possible version of the argument, then the end result is a far superior product and much more noteworthy.


If you have any questions, send us an email at bkwritinglab@bishopkennyhs.org!


Image Credit: Charity by Iyikon, PK from the Noun Project

  • Argument
  • Critical Thinking
  • Interpretation
  • Reading
  • Writing