BK Writing Lab

Formatting a Paper in MLA - Checklist
Paul DiGeorgio, Ph.D.


An MLA paper has several important requirements:

1. An MLA Header in the top left corner, only on page 1

2. Page numbers in MLA format in the top right corner. MLA format requires your last name followed by the page number, with no comma. E.g. DiGeorgio 3

3. A centered title, which should not be bold, underlined, italicized, etc.

3. Double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12 in black (even the title)

4. 1-inch margins in every direction

5. Italics for books, novels, plays, films/movies, music albums, and video games; quotation marks for short stories, articles, song titles

6. If your paper uses citations, you need a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. The Works Cited page should be its own page, with nothing else on the page. You should title this page Works Cited and center the title. Do not bold it, italicize it, etc.

Note 1: MLA does not require you to include a cover page, but if your instructor asks for one, make sure you have one.

Note 2: MLA rules do not require you to save your paper file with any particular title, but you should give your paper a title that will be easy to find later. 


If you have any questions, send us an email at bkwritinglab@bishopkennyhs.org!


Image Credit: Clipboard by Ahmad from the Noun Project

  • Formatting
  • MLA
  • Papers