9th Grade Placement
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) serves as an entry measure of academic progress and placement for the incoming freshman class. Bishop Kenny High School requires that all incoming 9th grade students take the test as part of the admission process. Students may only take the HSPT once.
Students will demonstrate content and skill knowledge in the following areas: verbal, quantitative, reading, mathematics, language skills, and science. The format of the test is multiple choice and will take approximately 3 hours. For the mathematics test, students will not be allowed to use calculators. Students will have access to scratch paper or may write in their test booklets to do any calculations.
About the Placement Process
For questions regarding HSPT registration or admission to Bishop Kenny High School, contact:
Mrs. Samantha Sims '09
Admissions Coordinator
(904) 398-7545 | SimsS@bishopkenny.net
For questions regarding academic placement, contact:
Mrs. Ashleigh Bradley '96
Academic Dean
(904) 398-7545 | BradleyA@bishopkenny.net