
Welcome to the #BKAlumni section of the Bishop Kenny website!

Being part of BK is being part of a family. Connections extend far beyond the perimeters of Kingman Avenue, and we encourage you to take an active role in enhancing the family ties for each other and for future Crusaders to come. There are so many ways to be involved: visit campus, attend a reunion or sporting event, send a class note, volunteer, come to an alumni event, or make the Fund for BKHS a priority. The future of Bishop Kenny depends on you. 

We hope that you find the alumni resources in this section of the website helpful for you, and we hope it will enhance your connection to the school. Please contact the alumni office if you have any questions, would like to set up a campus tour, or simply just want to say hello! 

Stay in touch with us via social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) or email Sireen Bateh (