Faith Formation
Students are encouraged to become involved in the activities of the Campus Ministry program. Throughout the year, we offer the following opportunities for student faith formation.
Advent and Lent Penance Services
On the very night of his resurrection, Jesus gave the Church the wonderful sacrament of reconciliation, when he bestowed on the apostles the power to lose and bind sin. We are blessed to have a full-time priest chaplain on Campus on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Confession is available during the lunch periods on those days. Additionally, penance services are available each fall and spring during the Liturgical Seasons of Advent and Lent whenever possible. Diocesan and religious priests from the greater Jacksonville area come to Assumption Catholic Church to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with our students and faculty. Families are encouraged to encounter Christ in the Sacraments, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation, celebrated in their own parishes.
Extraordinary Ministers
During the spring of their junior year, students are invited to apply to become Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Once installed, these seniors assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at school Masses and other liturgies celebrated throughout the school year.
Our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion also serve the school community through a variety of peer ministry programs and services.
Application packets are available by contacting a member of the Campus Ministry department during the second semester of the academic year. Candidates will receive a blessed medallion and Certificate of Installation signed by the Ordinary.
Stand for Life
In light of the 2022 Dobbs decision, the Pro-Life Ministry at Bishop Kenny High School focuses current efforts to be witnesses for the respect and dignity of human life locally and in our home state.
Spiritual Conferences
Each quarter, every grade has the opportunity to attend a spiritual conference. The spiritual conferences consist of a speaker or group of speakers who are active in the Catholic Church. They share their experience and wisdom with the students in a reflective environment. Examples of past speakers have been: Members of the Cenacola community, Missionaries of the Poor, Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother, campus ministers from college campuses, speakers on the theology of the body, seminarians, and many others. This is a rich experience for students to step outside the classroom and learn how to apply the Catholic faith to their everyday life.
R.I.S.E. (Junior & Senior Retreat)
RISE is our retreat program for Juniors and Seniors. The goal of each retreat is to encounter Christ through Scripture, the sacraments, prayer, and fellowship. Set at a beautiful location, each Fall and Spring overnight retreat includes fun activities, small groups, daily Mass, adoration, confession, and Scriptural reflection. Our hope is that students walk away having built camaraderie, fostered lasting friendships, and grown in their knowledge and love of Jesus.
Quest (Freshman & Sophomore Retreat)
Quest is Bishop Kenny’s biannual weekend retreat experience for freshmen and sophomores led by clergy, faculty, and a team of upperclassmen. Students are invited to experience the Catholic faith in a more intimate way through intense prayer, the sacraments, inspiring talks, and Christian fellowship. Through facilitated small groups, students have an opportunity to build friendships centered on Christ or deepen existing friendships with a heavy dose of the Gospel.
School Mass
Once a month all Bishop Kenny students and faculty have the opportunity to attend Mass together. These beautiful Masses feature the voices of our Bishop Kenny chorus. School-wide masses rely on the service of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and student readers/altar servers. Although there are over 1,400 students in the gym during these services, they are always reverent and respectful.
Altar Servers and Lectors
Students desiring to exercise ministry as lectors or altar servers are encouraged to submit an application available through Campus Ministry. See Mrs. Cabrey for details and scheduling.