Avenues of Giving

There are many ways to support Bishop Kenny, including financial support, volunteerism, in-kind donations, and praying for the school and our students. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure are vital to our success.  Last year alone, our generous donors gifted BK more than $890,000 and countless hours of service in support of our events and campus activities.  As we look to the future, this support is vital in ensuring Bishop Kenny continues to strategically advance and meet the needs 21st century students.

The Fund for BKHS is the main philanthropic vehicle of the school and is critical our fiscal health and our ability to fulfill our educational mission and vision. The Fund has four main arms donors can support, offering donors the ability to target specific programs or needs or to allow the school to apply their gift to the area of greatest need.

Capital & Special Projects

Capital and special project funds are raised specifically for new construction or the renovation of existing areas.

Philanthropy in action:  a 2022 capital project provided the school with new and renovated classroom spaces, including a state-of-the-art anatomy and physiology lab.


Endowed Scholarships & Programs

Endowments are permanent, self-sustaining sources of funding that provide current and future revenue streams to support the donor’s choice of annual scholarship or program. Endowment assets are invested, and each year a portion is used to support the scholarship or program’s named purpose. Endowments can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000, and can have a pledge period spread over multiple years. 

Philanthropy in action:  The BK Endowment program was established in 2021 and has received more than $500,000 in gifts and commitments. There are currently eleven endowed scholarships and three endowed programs.

General Scholarships & Tuition Assistance

Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, 27% of Bishop Kenny families that depend on tuition assistance can give their children a BK education. Scholarships and tuition assistance are awarded based on demonstrated financial need and merit.

Philanthropy in action:  in the 2021-22 school year, more than $300,000 in scholarships and tuition assistance was provided to BK students.

Unrestricted Annual Giving

Unrestricted giving to The Fund for BKHS allows donors to provide important flexible funds that support the school's greatest needs and top priorities.

Philanthropy in action:  As part of the two-phase building and renovation project that was completed in 2022, BK students are benefitting from a brand new biology lab space.