Athletic Forms
Athletic and participation forms for students participating in sports will be available beginning May 23, 2024 via Final Forms.
- If this is your first time using Final Forms, please click HERE. This Final Forms Parent Playbook will provide information on how to use Final Forms.
- Please click HERE to register or login with FinalForms. If you have not already registered, choose login and then Resend Confirmation. The confirmation will be sent to your email so you can set up your account.
- The FHSAA requires all student-athletes to complete three video courses each year: Concussion for Students, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Heat-Related Illness. These video links are found in the online forms on Final Forms. Please keep an electronic copy of each course certificate received. Once the student-athlete has completed the courses, the parent signing the athletic forms must enter the completion code in the appropriate space in Final Forms.
- All student-athletes are required to turn in a completed doctor’s physical (EL2) to Crusader Corner. This form is available HERE. Please print it out and have your doctor complete all necessary information, along with his/her signature, stamp, and date.
- Physicals MUST be dated on or after May 23, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year. Baseball and softball players should wait until after June 1, 2024 to have their physical completed due to the length of the baseball and softball seasons.
- As required by our trainers at the Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute (JOI), each student participating in athletics must complete a valid Concussion Baseline Test every two years. Athletes who are entering their junior year must complete the Concussion Baseline Test again this year. Please click HERE for instructions on completing baseline testing.
Prior to participating in conditioning or tryouts, all student-athletes must:
- Complete and submit all Final Forms electronically
- Turn in their physical to Crusader Corner
- Complete a valid Concussion Baseline Test
If you have any questions, please email Myla Lucas in Crusader Corner or you can call 904-398-7545. After June 7, please contact the main office.
Mark Thorson
Athletic Director